#IMMOOC Impact

Inspiration & Reflection

#IMMOOC has inspired me to be more vulnerable and open with my teaching experience. I want to start sharing my ideas, lessons, and teaching experience. I believe it will allow me to grow and reflect even further. As I mentioned in a previous post, Inspiration From The Twittershpere,  I have been accumulating other’s knowledge for a long time to help my teaching. The people in this course have inspired me to contribute more about my own teaching.

Photo credit: eyeofmycanon via Visual hunt / CC BY-NC

While I am sure I will still “lurk” at the amazing things other people are doing, IMMOOC helped to give me a confidence boost to give back. Many of the IMMOOC people from the video chats have mentioned contributing to the PLN. I never felt like what I had to was valuable or would make a difference. I would constantly second guess myself and my teaching. This isn’t just a professional issue, it is part of my life experience. Crystal Bartlett completely made my day by including me as part of her #IMMOOC experience. When she mentions that she read some of my ideas and wanted to try to them, it felt wonderful!

I hope to improve in areas of giving students even more voice and choice. I have always believed that students should have a say in their education. While there are things that are necessary for me to do and teach, there are ways that I can allow them to have even more autonomy. #IMMOOC has helped me to further see ways that we shouldn’t restrict student’s creativity. I am not sure exactly what changes I will make for the whole year, but for their next summative project that we will be completing, I plan to ask for their input in creating it. It is a small step towards hopefully something bigger.

Contribution To PLN

Photo via via VisualHunt

While I am sure that there will be things that I post that may need some work, I look forward to the feedback given from other educators that will help me improve my teaching and learning. I look forward to helping others who may see one of my ideas and then in turn make it their own. I look forward to sharing and growing along side of those who chose to take part in this frantic but admirable, remarkable journey as teachers.

Gratitude For Those Who Came Before

George, this was truly a remarkable experience. It was a whirlwind, but words cannot express how much I needed this at this moment in my career. It was perfect timing for me. I am grateful for the experience. I am saddened that it may be the last because I know how much this meant for me, and I am sure countless others. I truly appreciate all the insight from all those who helped make this #IMMOOC happen.

From Twitter


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