Experts Right Under Our Nose

Honesty time! I cannot remember if it was the Youtube video with Dwight Carter or if it was in the book or if it was a completely different #IMMOOC video. It could have been both. As I am in information overload, I will just kick it off with the topic.

Utilizing The Strengths In Your Community

Photo credit: mrsdkrebs via Visual Hunt / CC BY

The story was about some of the best professional develop happening when the teachers in the school were allowed to demonstrate their own passions and expertise. I am thankful that I can do that with my school community as a member of the tech ambassadors. I often get to share ideas and tech tips with other teachers.

However, I would love to see it taken a step further and have professional devoted to just sharing some amazing ideas and things that are going really well in all the classes. I know that when I get to heat other’s ideas, it helps me to be innovative and see areas that I could tailor that to my own classroom.

Teachers in our school are doing really cool things!

But often times, it isn’t shared well throughout the school. Having time set aside for simply sharing ideas and elaborating on what it took to set them up could provide some great outcomes.

Photo credit: cogdogblog via Visualhunt / CC BY


  1. Increase morale
  2. See the strengths of the teachers/students
  3. Build a sense of community
  4. Give teachers a positive boost (We need it too!)

These are few things I SUSPECT would happen.

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